A personalised strategy session to tackle your current challenges and help you secure your next high ticket clients and get you closer to your

business goals


If you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, not sure if what you are doing is even working or what to actually work on next, then it's time to reflect on your business and see what you might
be missing

When you are way too deep in your business, it's hard to see what you might be missing or what's not working

here's the problem...

You lack a flow of serious quality leads and sales calls, with low income months

You don't know what to work on in your business or if what you are doing is even working since you don't see enough results

You lack a clear business roadmap for at least the next 90 days, which means you do things randomly in your business with no clear structure

You are not sure how to hook or sell to potential clients, and you're not sure how to use social media to attract them even

You've been burnt before by other coaches or courses and all you want is a clear action plan and roadmap to create high-cash months

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

The problem

Understand how to attract and sign ideal clients with a clear focused action plan. I will put together your business and marketing game plan and support you with 1 month of chat support. 

A tailored business and marketing strategy with the accountability and support to help you consistently attract dreamboat clients

My 90 minute strategy session perfect for coaches and service providers


Get crystal clear on what your big-picture vision and next action steps are to collapse timelines and accelerate your results, without ever asking "what do I do next?"


Walk away with my Sales Frameworks that helped 1 of my clients shift from $2k months to hitting her first $8k month within 60 days


Identify your business gaps and what's keeping you stuck at low income months and the action plan to set forth for 2024


Here's what is included

What's inside

You get a 90 minutes strategy session + 1 month chat support after to make sure you are set to implement the action plan we will put together on the call 

Client Stories


Learning Development Coach

I feel excited moving forward with finding more potential clients and more feedback. I was able to identify a clear niche and understand how to use LinkedIn to reach out to audience members in my niche.

I loved that you really listened to my problems and questioned I had about narrowed in on a niche and how you described very practical pros and cons of which niche to choose. I appreciate that you shared considerations that I hadn’t thought at (like searchability of my ideal clients)

Before I was waffling between the audience members I wanted to speak to. Now I have a plan to get much clearer on who specifically I should be reaching out to!
You helped me identify which niche audience made sense to zero in on and how to find that audience to get valuable market research.

After talking to you I have a clear plan as to how to step through using LinkedIn to find more potential clients!

What Kaylen had to say about our 90 min strategy session...

I loved her structure strategy towards reaching  my goal, it made a huge complicated task seem so doable and simple. Before I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed, let's just say I don't feel the same anymore! in fact I'm very optimistic and
excited about it
Fatemah - Wedding Service Provider

My overall experience of working with you has been amazing. Your expertise and guidance have made me feel empowered and excited about the possibilities of starting and growing my online business. You have a unique ability to understand my goals and tailor your advice to my specific needs, which has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams.

What I enjoyed most about our session was the practical and actionable advice you provided. I gained valuable insights into starting and growing an online business, particularly in terms of marketing my expertise. Your guidance helped me understand the steps I need to take and the strategies I can implement to achieve my goals. 
Nadia - Business Development Expert 

Our session  was filled with important info that I didn't know a lot about before. You are very patient and precise in delivering the info and making sure people understand it. That truly was impacable.

You convinced me that I need to improve my profile on LinkedIn and that I need to engage more to find new leads. I hired someone to help me with the first tasks already for support.
Grace - Life Coach

I felt that Alia was really deep-diving into my struggles and she made me in overall more clear about the next steps I should take to grow my business. Alias openess, the ability to be able to ask everything and her professionalism. I learned how to structure my funnels on instagram. I felt lost and now I feel more clear about the next steps.
Jennifer - Social Media Agency

It was a very productive and constructive session - the benefit is Alia uses your own profile to highlight best practice and methods to improve visibility and connectivity. I enjoyed that I could immediately implement strategies and understand better the processes. Her recommendation of using a specific external site has radically improved my workflow and ability to reach out to better connections.

Now, I am gaining around 15 new connections a day and migrating them to my Membership Website. It took my competitor 10 years to get to a membership of 350 - in one month I have exceeded that number
Stephen - Travel Agency

See what other clients had to say about their 90 minutes session

You were not meant to run your business on your own. 

If you are tired of not knowing how to gain more sales and you want to run a successful business and book that luxury vacation, then let's get on a call  

I've been in this industry for 14+ years + 4 years running this business, and served more than 100 clients helping them with their business and marketing plans, and hitting their income goals.

Get personalized strategies with A step by step WEEKLY & monthly action plan
sample 30 day content game plan based on market research & insights

Through my own trial and error, over $30,000 invested in mentors, programs, and courses, and invested 3000 hours of learning and business development, I've dedicated the last 4 years to helping business owners expand their businesses by focusing on creating sales and income!

I've worked with over 100 clients, making more than $80,000 in sales, and helped my own clients make over $300,000 in sales and growing.

My clients' wins and business transformations is what makes me keep investing in growth and helping others as I want you all to have these massive big transformations!

I'm sharing all my learnings from 14 years OF MARKETING EXPERIENCE so that you can save all that time and money

I'm on a mission to make everyone that crosses my path more successful in less time, and to create more time freedom as we all deserve to travel the world while making money.

I started my business in 2019 and it's been a rollercoaster, with so many personal life bumps along the way that I had to overcome which made me more resilient.

I'm your go to Business and Marketing Strategist and Consultant

Hi I'm Alia Khatib